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 A CoDA group was our founder's first women's support group in 2018. CoDA is for anyone who desires healthy and loving relationships; you do not have to be "codependent"; it is open to anyone. Several members of WEW now lead women-only online groups and have their website exclusively for those meetings. From topic-led CoDA meetings, Step Study meetings, and CoDA for those with Chronic Illness and their Caregivers. The meetings are open to all women, and is the International CoDA organization. Other meetings and additional information on the CoDA program can be found there, co-ed and other women-only groups, LGBTQ+ groups, etc., online or in-person meetings. The online sessions run by several of our members are exclusive to women; you do not have to participate; you join the Zoom meeting and is up to you. Check out more on our website. 


©2024 by Women Empowering Women "The Next Step"

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