Summer is starting to wane as it seems impossible that we are nearly in August already. Our meetings have been very informative this month and we have also ramped up our website with video recaps showing the slides for each meeting. I tend to present a bunch of material and I know many would like to review it after the meeting. For our members only section, which is now active and password protected, paying members will have access to these resources and also interviews from our members telling their stories of recovery, transformations, life changing decisions and sharing how they did the work. Are YOU someone who would like to be in on this? Contact me and we can discuss the details, my contact information will be at the end of this post.
Our meetings this month covered Narcissism and Codependency for two of our meetings. Since many of our members have experience with both or at least one of these issues, it tends to be a hot topic that our members want more of. I shared my own research as well as others who have shown details of how and why these coping behaviors that become compulsive form and shines light on how we can heal from the core wounds that created the need to cope. We looked a a fresh perspective that challenged many of our strongly held beliefs of what constitutes narcissistic behavior and the disorder itself. By challenging our internal biases and learning about new theories, we can become more informed before deriving our own opinions on the subject.
We reviewed Assertive Communication, and why the passive communication embraced by many females and supported by societal expectations do NOT support our ability to have boundaries, speak our truth, or attempt to gain clarity when we are confused or need assistance. The passive way we communicate can further enable our internal belief that we don't matter, that our feelings are not relevant and that we are simply not supported in the world. The way we step back into our power it to practice assertive communication.
Finally, we covered healthy friendships, how to find them and maintain them. For many of use we have found our friendships to be superficial or based on a false persona that used to get them to "like us" and then are left without a foundation in which to build a healthy relationship. The powerpoint and video recap for all of the meetings with the exception of the one meeting led by Lee that covered the Assertive Communication Style, are now available on our members only Video Page. You can become a member on our website to gain access to the member only area. Contact me with more information.
In Service,
Kimberly Sprintz