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Concrete Steps

The Next Step Meeting Supplements & Speaker Information

About our Meeting

Previous Meetings: 
Narcissistic Personality Disorder & Narcissistic Abuse

The meeting looked closely at Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NAD) and several other Cluster B Personality Disorders within the same category with similar traits and characteristics. We then discussed Narcissistic Abuse Disorder symptoms and suggested steps to help resources those who may be leaving this type of relationship. The topic is extensive, and as other topics are rich in research and information, we cannot cover as much information as we would like and are restricted by time. We will have future meetings covering Narcissistic Parents, Narcissistic Types, and Behaviors in the non-clinical context. If you need further information on this topic, please email me at or use the contact form on our site. In Service, Kimberly


FYI: We held a previous meeting that looked at Narcissist and Codependent since they are opposite sides of the same coin. That and previous videos of past meetings can be accessed once you join our site as a member (see the top right corner of the page for the login area and to create a profile). 


Other Supplemental Information:






The National Abuse Hotline (US) has a beautiful website dedicated to helping you find local services to support you if you are in a relationship with a Narcissist or suffering abuse of any kind. Click the button below to search for local resources. 












(Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Ways to Support Those In a Relationship with a Narcissist)














Books I HIGHLY Recommend on This Topic

"Why Does He Do That" by Lundy Bancroft 

"Gaslighting and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery" by Don Barlow

“The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists” by Eleanor Payson

"Was it Even Abuse" by Emma Byham (covert narcissism)


The meeting explores the meaning of codependency, its origins, and how it is embedded within social norms, making it harder to overcome. We will look at it side by side with other disorders, often co-occurring with or individually, and see the consequences of a lifetime of codependency on ourselves and others. Our open discussion will be a time for reflection and feedback, followed by our open share time. 


Additional Information on Codependency

This is a test commonly seen online that can be done to look at the possibility and severity of the symptoms you have for codependency. This is the actual website for the lab that runs the test with the disclaimers.



A well-researched codependency test is the Friel Test (see the link below). I have added additional self-assessments that are a great gauge for you to see the bigger picture of codependency in your life and how you are psychologically and physiologically. If the results indicate you may need professional assistance (welcome to the club), please reach out, and we can assist you in finding mental healthcare professionals in your area or region. We cannot PROMISE we can find one, but we commit to helping you to the best of our abilities. Lastly, these self-assessments are NOT formal diagnostic tests; a professional is the only person qualified to diagnose your condition (if you have one). These tools are only to be used to self-assess and help you to decide if you require more assistance. If you are already working with a counselor, this information will be very helpful for you to bring to your next session. 




PART TWO will look at Addiction / Personality Disorders / Triggers / Treatment / SOLUTIONS

Addiction is how the behavior known as codependency was identified. We will take a deep dive into Addiction and its parallel to codependency.

When what you have tried without professional help is not working, and your life continues to be unmanageable, consider that more things can be going on and working against your best efforts. You are NOT a failure, and there is additional help out there. No person has the same symptoms as you and a one size fits all approach is a setup...check out these other disorders and see if they resonate with you.






Research for those who want solid peer-reviewed information:

Bacon, I., McKay, E., Reynolds, F., & McIntyre, A. (2020). The lived experience of codependency: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Int J Ment Health Addiction, 18, 754–771.




I have added a few videos that help explain codependency, Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD), which can look like codependency, and signs of narcissistic abuse. Statistically, codependents are highly likely to be connected with or have a history of narcissism. Do not be shocked when you recognize how many narcissists you know or those you are related to. It is common to see many narcissistic parents, especially the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers, due to the family structure and social norms during their upbringing.  

Meeting Supplements from 2022

Meeting Supplements
Toxic Relationships

Our topic is Toxic Relationships. This dynamic appears in many different contexts, from work relationships, friendships, partners, and even parental figures. Regardless of the type that resonates with you or that you wish to learn about, and helps to isolate core aspects of toxic relationships and the stages that they go through, and what you can do to correct course when you find yourself in them.

Please join our website and access previous meeting topics in our password-protected members-only area. 

I hope you find the topic helpful.
If you have questions or feedback, please email us, and I will try to get you more information and resources. Below are supplements to our topic that you may find worthy of a deeper look at toxic relationships and help you to address specific needs.



Our topic for August is "BOUNDARIES" and is a mini-workshop style presentation, meaning comprehensive (aka. much info). The information below will supplement the meeting and provide ways to get more out of our time together. Boundaries are essential, and we have covered the topic ad nausum. However, this meeting covers material from the book; The Boundary Is You by Chany Rosengarten. The author provides a four-step process to address what prevents you from setting boundaries and how to create boundaries in your life. I enjoyed the book and found it refreshing and concise, so I will bring that information to you in this meeting. Please join our website and access our members-only area, where this and other meetings are posted once they have been recorded after the live meeting. NO MEETINGS ARE RECORDED in Zoom, and I only record after the meetings. I hope this material is a new way to look at boundaries and that you find it helpful in your life as I have in mine. 


Our July meeting reviewed the topic of "self-sabotage" and gave us a deeper look at our brains and why these self-defeating behaviors exist. We discussed how our behaviors are always attached to a belief and often are beliefs that are untrue or inaccurate. We discovered tools we can use to root out the beliefs that create these issues and how to follow the steps from the behavior to the belief. Our recorded meeting slides are available on this website's "members-only" page. If you are not yet a member, please create a member profile, then email us at, and we will get the password to access our video recordings. 
We have a new topic next month and will soon post more about it on our Facebook and Instagram pages. If you would like to join our online community, just sent me a Facebook friend request, and we will get you added.  I hope you will join us in August and be advised the meeting will NOT be at the end of the month as I will be out of town for the week. I will post the week shortly on the main page of our website and post a blog so our members will be notified.

Kimberly Sprintz

Below are supplements to our meeting and a way for you to dive deeper into our topic. 


Our June meeting reviewed the topic of "self-awareness" and how we can become better self-advocates by learning to be present with ourselves. In the world, time alone or a moment of peace can become hard to experience. Time to reflect on our day, our needs, and self-care tends to take a backseat to the problems our loved ones are experiencing. Women are raised culturally to be caretakers who are revered as "selfless," and this has been misinterpreted to mean that self-care is selfish. One of the first things to help us address our needs is to permit ourselves to self-care; then, self-awareness becomes easier to practice. Our recorded meeting slides are available on this website's "members-only" page. If you are not yet a member, please create a member profile, then email us at, and we will get the password to access our video recordings. 
Several members asked to expand on our meeting topic and discussion questions for our next meeting in July. I have agreed to work on addressing them and adding to the meeting how depression plays a role in our ability to become self-aware. I hope you will join us in July.


Below are supplements to our meeting and a way for you to dive deeper into our topic. 

I created this worksheet to help your process of becoming self-aware via journaling. Once completed, you will know yourself better and have a list of things that need attention, including WONDERFUL items about you! Self-reflection is not a practice of beating yourself up; it is a process of discovery and will help you become a healthier version of yourself.  


©2024 by Women Empowering Women "The Next Step"

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